Carla Unseth

A Review of Eldorado: A Story of the Scarlet Pimpernel

The Scarlet Pimpernel is the main character of a series of books written by Baroness Emma Orczy about the French Revolution. The Scarlet Pimpernel is an intrepid English adventurer who rescues Parisian aristocracy from the fate of the Guillotine. He is, of course, hated and constantly pursued by the leaders of the Revolutionary French government, but he always has a cunning master plan which keeps him safely from their grasp. Baroness Orczy has written multiple novels of his adventures.

I have always enjoyed these novels. They are easy reads and very entertaining (though, of course, the reader has to put up with lots of effusive language and dainty, naïve women – these were written in the early 1900s!). I find myself often asking, “How will the Scarlet Pimpernel get out of this one?” but of course, he always does! I recently read the novel Eldorado in the series, and I wanted to share a little about this book because I found myself reflecting on some spiritual lessons as a result.

In order to give you a summary of this book, I must share a little of the first book as well, including the main plot twist (spoiler alert!). The first book is told from the perspective of the lovely Marguerite Blakeney, who is married to Sir Percy Blakeney, London’s biggest fop – finely dressed, rich, and yet somewhat of a fool. At the time, all of London is intrigued by the mysterious Scarlet Pimpernel, and his famous league of gentlemen that are saving French aristocrats from the guillotine. No one knows who he is. Throughout the course of the book, Marguerite has the stunning realization that her husband, Sir Percy, is indeed the Scarlet Pimpernel! He is using his lazy and foolish persona as a cover for the great deeds he is doing in France. Even though I have told you the secret that Marguerite learns, I would recommend reading the book since Marguerite’s discovery and the following misadventures will keep you on the edge of your seat!

Now, in the novel Eldorado, Sir Percy and his League have returned to Paris once again, this time with has the goal of freeing the Dauphin, the son of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. His parents have been killed on the guillotine, but the little prince is still in prison. Marguerite’s brother, Armand, has asked to join the League of the Scarlet Pimpernel and to join in this mission. Armand is anxious to prove his utmost devotion to his leader, but does not anticipate the one thing that will challenge that loyalty: love. Armand goes to a play while he is awaiting his orders and falls madly in love with the leading lady, Jeanne. He visits Jeanne at her home, and she also falls in love. This visit, however, leads to Jeanne’s arrest. Armand goes to Percy to explain the situation, and to beg him to forget his plan to save the prince so he can save Jeanne instead. Percy knows this will be his only chance to save the prince, so he tells Armand that he must continue with his plan, but he will save Jeanne as well. It is too dangerous for Armand to stay in Paris, so Percy tells him to wait outside the city, saying that he will bring him news of Jeanne as soon as possible. At first Armand does what he asks, but he is angry that Percy is still trying to save the prince. He wants Jeanne to be Percy’s first priority. He starts to become afraid that Percy will forget about Jeanne, and as he becomes more anxious and tired of waiting, he decides to go back into Paris to save Jeanne himself. What he does not know is that Percy has, indeed, already gotten Jeanne out of prison and brought her to safety. Not surprisingly, Armand runs into trouble while in Paris. Rather than putting him in prison, his enemies use him as bait to trap the Scarlet Pimpernel. Percy falls into the trap and is sent to prison, where he is deprived of food and sleep as the Revolutionary leaders try to extract from him the location of the prince. The rest of the story focuses on Percy’s imprisonment and the possibility of his escape. This is the worst difficulty that the Scarlet Pimpernel has ever faced, and it is all due to the treachery of a friend. Will he make it out?

As I was reading Armand’s story, I was in a situation where I felt like God was telling me to wait for His leading, but as I waited, I kept thinking of things that I could do to solve the problem. I actually did make a move, which immediately caused problems in the situation. Suddenly I had a realization: I was Armand!

I have a strong and powerful leader who always has a plan. He asked me to step aside and wait while He worked. But, like Armand, I started to feel that I needed to take the situation into my own hands. Fortunately, unlike Armand, I realized what I had done and was able to step aside once again before the problem became too great!

How easy it is, from our narrow human perspective, to start to believe that God does not care and is not working on our behalf. How easy it is to lose our trust. How easy it is to think that we must take matters into our own hands if we want a solution. Just as Armand grew angry and afraid and stopped trusting, so we allow our feelings about our circumstances to affect our trust in God.

Yet, how great God is! He sees the whole picture, has a plan, and works for our good. Just as the Scarlet Pimpernel asked Armand to trust him and obey his orders, so God asks us to trust and obey, even when we do not understand.

Beyond this lesson in my own life, this book illustrates an even greater principle. The Scarlet Pimpernel was thrown into prison and suffered a great deal as a result of his friend’s betrayal. In the same way, humanity’s betrayal of God, through sin, caused God’s own great suffering. Jesus had to come to earth to die because of our treachery. Sin, disobedience, a lack of trust – all of these brought about the need for a Savior, and the need for Jesus to die for our sins.

From prison, Percy writes Armand a letter forgiving him and restoring him to work in the League of the Scarlet Pimpernel, even giving him a special mission to help with Percy’s own rescue. The Bible is God’s letter to us. In it, He explains the whole story – His plan from beginning to end, His love for us, His forgiveness and restoration. He gives us a special mission as well, though it is not to save Him (of course He does not need that!), but instead it is to save others and to bring them into His kingdom so they also can live in love, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

As I read, I was so thankful that God spoke through the imagination of Baroness Orzcy so many years ago. I would highly recommend this book, both for its entertainment value, and for the spiritual lesson that it so clearly illustrates. I won’t spoil the end of this one for you. When all hope is lost, will the Scarlet Pimpernel escape from the clutches of the French revolution? You will have to read and find out! As you read, be reminded of our Great Leader – God Himself, who is always working on our behalf.